Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saranan Pakar

....."krim ‘virile for men’ yang ada dalam pasaran. Krim ini sudah diuji dan didapati mampu meningkatkan pengawasan anggota sulit, selain menjaga kesihatan kulit dan kekukuhan struktur dalaman anggota sulit melalui kandungan ekstrak herba dan lemak ikan belacak.".....
Dr. Ismail Tambi
Pakar Sakit Tuan
sila lihat Harian Metro ~ ruangan soal jawab dengan Doktor pakar sakit tuan.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Verile Cream Discovery

Discover why more men are turning to VIRILE FOR MEN™, 100% natural genital health care cream for penis health !
"The VIRILE FOR MEN™, genital health care cream appeared to benefit the penis in making the skin healthy and responsive, the tissues nourished and the structures firmed. Men who have poor control of ejaculation have better control due to biofeedback mechanism and those with mild erections experience better erections. Clients with placebo or bland cream did not give any positive effect to the user " - Dr. Mohd. Ismail Tambi (Andrologist)Clinically Proven Health Benefits of VIRILE FOR MEN™a) Improves sensitivity and control of male organ/penis b) Maintains strength and freshness of male organ/penisc) Maintains healthy skin of male organ/penisd) Ensures genital consciousness and sense of pride
VIRILE FOR MEN™ is the one and only formula in the world which uses unique ingredient of fatty extract of amino acid alanine from Periophthalmodon Schlosseri (mudskipper fish). The non-essential amino acid alanine is very much important in the synthesis of pyruvate in the energy cycle of the muscle fibres. The energy fuel ATP provides active relaxation of smooth muscle fibers and tissue expansion and when exposed in the trabeculae of the penile smooth muscles, the smooth muscle relaxes thereby facilitate expansion of the trabeculae and firmness of the penis structure.VIRILE FOR MEN™ has exceeded international safety standards for Heavy Metal Test (arsenic, mercury and lead) and Microbial Limit Test.VIRILE FOR MEN™ was presented in the 4th Congress of APPSAM, the Asia Pacific Society for the Study of the Ageing Male - Bali, 05/2007VIRILE FOR MEN™ was published in "The Journal of International Society of Ageing Male" - issue 06/2007

Improve your love and sexual life by creating genital consciousness and sense of pride with VIRILE FOR MEN™Care your genital organ the intimate way because penis is the only organ in human anatomy which is least concerned but very much in use.
Apply VIRILE FOR MEN™ as daily cosmetic solution for three months, and see the optimum results


"After recommending Virile For Men™ to my husband, I could definitely tell the difference. Excellent product for clean and strong penis. As a woman, I definitely love the taste and the natural smell when I perform oral sex" - Sandra, New Zealand"My wife gave me a surprise gift for my birthday. What a surprise ! Virile For Men™ ! It’s a wonderful cream which gave back my bedtime confidence ! Thanks to my wonderful wife for giving me the wonderful gift."- Bob, California, USA
“After listening to my friend’s recommendation, I decided to try Virile For Men™ for the first time. WOW, I never regretted my decision to try the cream. It gives me the extra BOOST to get me going and going on bed for longer than ever. Thank You Virile For Men™” – Bernard Lim, Hong Kong.
“Virile For Men™ A Must For Every Man. I had tried so many other aphrodisiac products but so far I think Virile For Men™ is the best because of its’ TWO-IN-ONE functions. It CLEANS and STRENGTHENS the penis for unforgettable sexual experience” – Matsumo, Tokyo, Japan.
"Thanks to Virile For Men™ as now I can make love with confidence. Certainly it is a SAFE-EASY-POWERFUL formula. Thank you!" – Joseph Tan, Australia
"A big thank you for the founder of the cream. Prior to using Virile For Men™, I would ejaculate in a couple of minutes. Now I take 10-15 minutes. – Ahmad Rithaudhin, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Treating premature ejaculation
Enormous erection and lasting pleasure
Increase penis size (girth) gradually
Good aroma to penis
Help nourish penis skin
Remove build up dirt on penis foreskin
Leave penis fresh and invigorated
Treats Balanitis, a harmless skin problem affecting the head of the penis/ foreskin

Kaedah Penggunaan

Kaedah Penggunaan

Virile For Men amat senang digunakan. Kami mencadangkan ianya digunakan. Kami mencadangkan ianya digunakan pada setiap hari sebagai penyelesaian kepada masalah alat kelamin lelaki.


Sapukan sedikit krim ke atas tapak tangan dan sapukan mengikut gerakan menaik (ikut arah anak panah) daripada hujung dubur sehingga ke bawah buah zakar. Sapuan ini mengambil masa lebih kurang 30-40 saat.


Sapukan krim pada bahagian hujung zakar dan keseluruhan zakar mengikut gerakan menaik (ikut arah anak panah) sehingga krip meresap ke dalam kulit. (Bagi pengguna yang tidak bersunat, anda perlu menarik ke bawah kulit lembut yang menutupi bahagian hujung zakar dan menyapu krim pada bahagian tersebut)

Anda akan merasai perbezaan bermula daripada penggunaannya buat pertama kali. Bagaimanapun, untuk mendapat kesan yang maksima, kami mengesyorkan anda mengikut kekerapan aplikasi seperti di bawah: Minggu 1 - Minggu 2 : Sebanyak 2 aplikasi sehari (selepas mandi pagi dan sebelum tidur malam) Minggu ke 2 dan seterusnya : Sekurang-kurangnya sekali dalam sehari (dicadangkan pada sebelah malam sebelum tidur),selama 90 hari untuk kesan maksimum.

Virile For Men mengandungi formula asli yang aktif daripada intipati darpada sejenis ikan (Periophthalmodon Schlosseri)yang mengandungi bahan yang dapat mengembangkan salur darah. Apabila disapu,salur darah dan kapilari akan mengembang dengan segera dan sekaligus dapat menambahkan proses pengedaran darah. Proses ini akan mengakibatkan anda berasa agak 'hangat' dan'menyucuk'. Apabila anda merasai keadaan ini, tahulah anda bahawa Virile For Men sedang bertindak ke atas alat kelamin anda.

Apa Dia Verile Cream

Virile for men - be a virile

Virile For Men adalah satu-satunya krim untuk zakar yang 100% selamat, mudah dan berkesan untuk rawatan ejakulasi pramatang dan membesar dan memanjangkan saiz zakar

Virile For Men adalah sesuatu yang perlu dimiliki oleh setiap lelaki. Virile For Men adalah satu-satunya krim untuk lelaki direka 100% selamat mudah digunakan dan ternyata berkesan. Formulasi khususnya mengabung jalinkan intipati daripada sejenis ikan (Periophthalmodon Schlosseri) dan dua jenis herba 'aprodisiac' (Epimedium Sagittatu) dan (Muira Puama), yang amat sesuai sekali untuk :
Merawat ejakulasi yang tidak matang(pancutan awal)
Eraksi yang mantap dan kepuasan yang berpanjangan
Menambahkan saiz ketegangan alat kelamin lelaki secara beransur-ansur
Memberi kesegaran kepada alat kelamin lelaki.

Disyorkan oleh Dr. Mohd Ismail Tambi (A.M.T,MBBS.,D.R.M),Consultant Clinical Andrologist Professor Emiritus (Andrology)Klik untuk Profile Dr Ismail TambiKlik untuk Clinical Report oleh Dr Ismail Tambi
Virile For Men juga diformulasikan bersama Aromatic Emollient,Vitamin E,D-Panthenol (pro-Vitamin B5) bersama herba-herba 'aprodisiac' yang kuat dan berkesan, yang dapat :
Memberi aroma yang harum kepada alat kelamin
Meyuburkan kulit pada bahagian alat kelamin
Menyingkirkan kotoran yang terlekat pada alat kelamin
Menyihat dan menghindarkan alat kelamin daripada sebarang serangan bakteria
Merawat Balanitis,yakni penyakit kulit yang selalu menjangkiti bahagian hujung zakar.(kerap dijangkiti alat kelamin yang tidak disunat).RAMUAN
Virile For Men mengandungi 100% bahan semulajadi 'aprodisiac' yang diformulasikan dengan menggunakan ramuan-ramuan seperti di bawah : Periophtalmodon Schioseri adalah intipati sejenis ikan yang dikenali sebagai 'giant mudskipper' yang asalnya terdapat di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan di persisiran pantai Lautan Hindi dan Pasifik. Ianya dapat menngkatkan pengedaran darah dan menambahkan keinginan seksual. Ianya menjadi makanan istimewa bagi penduduk China dan Korea dn dipercayai dapat meningkatkan keinginan seksual. Epimedium Sagittatum adalah bahan herba semulajadi di benua Asia dan Mediterranean yang dapat meningkatkan potensi .Dalam pengubatan China, ia secara tradisionalnya digunakan sebagai tonik kepada masalah kekurangan 'yang', serta dapat memulihkan alat kelamin yang tidak berfungsi dengan baik disamping dapat menghindarkan angin yang terdapat di dalam badan. Ekstrak Muira Pauma adalah dikenali sebagai 'Potency Wood' atau nama saintifiknya Ptychopetalum Olocoides. Pokok ini dapat mencapai ketinggian maksima sehingga ke 5 meter dan ianya berasal dari hutan-hutan hujan Amazon,terutamanya di Brazil. Bunganya kecil dan berwarna putih danbaunya seakan bunga melur. Pengubatan herba di Brazil menggunakan Muira Pauma secara meluas dan ianya berupaya meningkat dan menstamulasikan keinginan seksual.

Clinical Study ~ Dr. Mohd. Ismail Tamby (Antropology)

Virile - Clinical Study

CLINICAL STUDYPlacebo Controlled Clinical Evaluation of the Virile For Men™ as a Tissue Expander, Stabilizer and Enhancer of the Penis. The principal objective of the trial is to evaluate the health benefits of rubbing Virile For Men™ in strengthening the penis thereby
improving the sensitivity of the penis (overcoming rapid ejaculation due to sensitive penis)
as well as enhancing the dimension. (improve size as in increasing size in diameter and length)
The secondary objectives include the development of penis pride and penis consciousness, namely hygiene, natural aroma representing penis pride and, skin appearance, tug or and suppleness representing penis consciousness that can be an added benefit of the cream. These objectives will be evaluated at every follow-up.Study MethodologyFifty men were recruited for the Study. First forty were provided with Virile For Men™ for a period of 2 months. The last ten men were given Placebo cream that has similar packaging with the Virile For Men™ and they were the Study control. Each man was taught on how to apply the cream to the penis as well as monitoring the length and circumference of the penis during erection on a weekly basis at home. The men filled up the SHIM (Sexual Health Inventory in Men) and the Grades of Erection Score. The penis size and diameter at rest were recorded. Penis Pride and Penis Consciousness Scores were recorded as well using the scale of 1-3,where 1 is low and 3 is high. All there were repeated at two week, one month, six week and two months follow-ups .The Consultant Clinical Andrologist in the Andrology Clinic was the principal investigator.These objectives will be evaluated at every follow-up subjectively by a yes/no response and a grading of 1-4, where1 is low, 2 is mild, 3 is moderate and 4 is good.

Clients were inform about the properties of the genital care cream. They were informed to apply cream in the morning once after bath and to follow the directions provided.
There were informed to come twice a month for two months to provide feedback on the cream. They were given a measuring tape to measure the penile length and girth before and after erection.39 out of 40 men who were on the active cream completed the study period.1 discontinued because of the immediate side effect of swelling of the penis. This is attributed to the paprika extract. The other men experienced mild warming effect, which they accepted.3 men on the placebo cream discontinued trial on grounds of dissatisfaction. The remaining 7 continued till the end. They did not get any benefit from using the cream.Tissue Expander EffectAll 39 registered improvement with the girth and diameter of ½ to 1cm of the penis at rest. Since there is a lot of disparity in the personal measurements, personal measurements were not included.Tissue Stabilizer EffectAll 39 men showed improvement in the SHIM score over a period. Those who registered low score in item 4 of SHIM showed higher score, indication ability to maintain erection to completion of intercourse.There were no changes with the SHIM with men on the placebo group.Penis Pride Score/Penis Consciousness ScoreAll 39 men registered a higher score on the two scores. One men in the placebo group registered high score on the two scores. All 39 men on active cream experienced improvement in control of ejaculation as sensitivity is under control. No such effect with placebo. All 39 men became hygiene conscious and found gentle manipulation provides responsiveness and quality erections for them. There is improving dimensions at rest than during erection, Quality of erection improves due to greater sensitivity and responsiveness. Those with placebo eventually ceased using the cream because of no effect.Grade of ErectionAll 39 men have better Grade Erection most of the time. Men with placebo experienced mixed gradeSkin conditionImprovement of dryness, skin tug or, suppleness. Improvement with dryness only with placeboConclusionsVirile For Men™, genital health care cream appeared to benefit the penis in making the skin healthy and responsive, the tissues nourished and the structures firmed. Men who have poor control of ejaculation have better control due to biofeedback mechanism and those with mild erection experience better erections. Clients with placebo or bland cream did not give any positive effect to the user.Clinical Study Report by :DR. MOHD. ISMAIL TAMBIConsultant Clinical AndrologistMen's Health ClinicDamai Service Hospital115-119 Jalan IpohKuala LumpurMalaysia.